Sunday, April 18, 2010

Have Nots and Haves

In the past six weeks I have not:
Driven a car
Cooked a meal in a kitchen
Eaten at "normal" fast food 
Lived by myself
Had the freedom to do whatever I want when I want
Seen my cats
Seen my family or friends

In the past six weeks I have:
Ridden BART
Ridden Muni
"Cooked" Ramen Noodles in the microwave
Eaten at over 7 different ethnic restaurants
Experienced different foods and cultures
Seen the joy of people on the streets with their pets (dogs mostly)
Had roommates
Made new friends and family
Been stretched and pushed outside my comfort zone
Talked to homeless
Fed the needy
Met Jesus- several times
Saw God at work in the city of San Francisco in the lives of people, ministries, and myself

The list of thing that I have experienced over the past six weeks far outweighs the things I have not. As much as I missed my family and friends (and cats), missed driving, missed having a sense of personal space, missed being able to pick up and go wherever whenever... I can't imagine all the things I would have missed if I would have allowed this opportunity to pass me by. I would have missed meeting people like "Scottage Cheese" and Michael. I wouldn't have had the pleasure and honor of living with and getting to know my two (three) amazing roommates. I wouldn't have been given the opportunity to reach out to the many people and organizations that I was able to work with. I made some great and amazing friends over the course of my six week sojourn in San Francisco and the bay area. Words can't express how much I love and enjoyed working with everyone: Amanda, Rabekka, Stephanie, Tara, Andy, Heidi. And a shoutout to my boys in the warehouse of San Fran Food Bank!!! =)

You all served a great and amazing role in my experiences with CSM and I will never forget late nite sing-a-longs to Miley Cyrus (or some other Disney phenomenon), trips to Chinatown, prank texts, getting lost in SF, making nice and cuddling under a blanket with Lucy while watching Finding Nemo, and heartfelt words of encouragement from my new family. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your lives and for taking part in mine. 

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